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Leadership Scholarship Question and Response


Bill Deck, Class of 1964, on Nov 2nd posted on the GMSAA Facebook Group the following important question. I promised him a response from Perry and myself..

“It is with mixed emotions that I put down my thoughts. As my wife likes to remind me, we are much like the Shakers with no one coming in behind us to carry on. There has always been a push to leave a lasting legacy. Starting with the GMS leadership courses and then moving to the GMS scholarships. At the time, I was not in favor of the change of course, but now I believe we made the right choice to switch to the scholarships.

I am reminded of the Dylan Thomas poem “Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night.” With the last reunion and dissolution of the association coming up next year, I’m afraid we are going gently into the night. Unless the board makes some hard decisions in the next year, many of us will outlive our legacy. My question for the board is do we want to provide high dollar scholarships that will die out in 10 to 15 years or do we want to base our financial aid to reflect what will allow the fund to continue for generations to come. Might I suggest that 75% of the earnings of the fund be made available each year for scholarships and 25% be retained by the fund to maintain the viability of the fund.
As we “rage against the dying of the light” there is one scant year to get things right.

—Bill Deck”

Thank you for your comments regarding the Leadership Scholarship. Rest assured that we are quite aware of the Scholarship’s overall financial position to include anticipated disbursements. We have an integrated model that includes expected portfolio returns which considers interest and dividends as well price appreciation, management fees, and inflationary adjustments to the awards. The Leadership Scholarship Fund will receive the residual from the Museum Fund and a portion of the residual from the Life Membership Fund (probably a total of about $125,000). The current scholarship amounts will be adjusted to an appropriate level by reducing the annual amount or the number of years awarded (or a combination of the two). From the outset, we knew that the awards would have to be flexible. The goal has always been to make the Scholarship fully funded. The Scholarship agreement we have with the GGV Community Foundation includes a Scholarship Committee, the composition of which can carry on in perpetuity, that is charged with ensuring that the considerations and requirements for evaluating student applications are followed. This Committee has the authority to adjust the scholarship disbursements should additional adjustments be needed after we are all gone.

With respect, Mike Ruth and Perry Woodside

PS: The Association will not end next year. It is scheduled to cease operation by Dec. 2026.

Message from the President


To all GMS Cadets, Family and Friends:

On behalf of the GMSAA Board I would like to say THANK YOU!  to all who celebrated with us this weekend. I believe we had 98 people register early for the Friday night get together. While there were 14 no shows, there were about the same number who registered upon arrival to campus. We had 104 people at the dinner. While there wasn’t much dancing as we hoped, there were plenty of conversations and reconnection.

We also raised $6100 for the Leadership Scholarship, with a number of people pledging to contribute once they got home. 

If you want to contribute to the Leadership Scholarship please access the GMSAA website, or send a check made out to GMSAA.  Send to GMSAA, PO Box 922, Lewisburg, WV 24901, Attn: Mary Thompson. In the memo area of the check indicate the Leadership Scholarship.

What follows are not the minutes of the meetings but a summary. The important items of business this weekend were the signing of the agreement transferring the GMSAA Collection to WVSOM, discussions around the dissolution of the Association and the final official reunion. 

On Friday morning, after years of long and sometimes difficult discussions, the Board voted to bring the business of GMSAA to its end by Dec 31, 2026. The motion to hold the final GMSAA Reunion in October 2025 was also voted on. Both motions to close the association and hold the final GMSAA Reunion were passed unanimously. 

Friday afternoon the final documents were signed by the WVSOM Foundation, the WVSOM Board of Directors, the Greenbrier Historical Society and GMSAA to transfer the GMSAA Collection to WVSOM. After our board meeting, Governor Justice was on campus to sign a bill providing $13 million for WVSOM deferred maintenance. During this ceremony he spoke in depth about his time at GMS.

Finally, during the general meeting on Saturday a motion was made to keep the board membership as it is with its current 9 members until the Association closes. The motion passed unanimously.

Plans are already underway for the October 2025 reunion. Please note that after the October 2025 event, WVSOM has agreed to help facilitate informal reunions as long as we want to hold them. There will be a committee set up to assist in the transition to the informal get togethers.

One more thing before closing, I learned that the Greenbrier Jeep Rally will move to the 4th weekend in October thereby freeing up hotel rooms and parking lots!

Thank you to those who attended the board and general meetings, plus all your contributions throughout the last year. I appreciate your input and guidance. More information will be made available as we proceed.

See you October 17-19, 2025.

With respect,

Mike Ruth, President GMSAA
Class of 1969

Change is Inevitable


This letter was composed in June for the upcoming version of the Alumni Record, which should be in your mailbox early next week. I am posting this now because of certain emails that have been floating around as of late. This is my opinion, and mine only as to where the Association should head.

June, 2024
To all GMS Cadets, Family, and Friends,

Change: Make (someone or something) different; alter or modify.- Oxford Dictionary-

Change doesn’t come easy and it’s certainly inescapable. Some of you are aware that after the New Year, I was diagnosed with prostrate cancer. With the help of a number of men including GMS alumni, I am now working through the biggest change in my life. The reason I tell you this is not for sympathy, but to say change happens and sometimes it is harsh with little time to prepare for it.

This letter is about change.

I feel it is time for the Greenbrier Military School Alumni Association to come to an end. Not our reunions, but the business side of our Association. I believe it is our duty to determine an appropriate timeframe for our Association’s termination. I would like to be clear, the Association and the reunions are separate matters.

As the Association goes, there is already a dissolution plan in place. It was written into our charter and amended a number of years ago by the Board of Directors. It was felt then, as I feel now, that we must methodically go through the legal and emotional process of dissolving GMSAA. This isn’t going to happen over night and it wont be simple. For the sake of continuity, I am recommending the people who have been working on these documents remain involved.

Why should the Association close? After discussing our situation with many alumni, it basically comes down to participation and money. The number of dues paying members are declining and our expenses aren’t being covered by our dues revenue. There is a real financial cost in keeping the association running, including paid and unpaid personnel, not related to reunion expenses.

Some of you would like to see the Association continue. Let me ask, continue until when? We don’t need the Association to see our classmates and friends. WVSOM has guaranteed we will be welcome on campus into perpetuity. We can continue holding reunions as long as anyone cares to go. The difference is GMSAA won’t be coordinating them. That responsibility will fall on those who want to get together, and WVSOM has people in place to help.

In my opinion our true legacy are the scholarships we award every year and the GMS Museum. We already have documents in place that will ensure these GMS legacies well into the future. Closing up shop while we are still active will save the Association in a multitude of ways, and quite frankly, it’s the proper thing to do.

As for the last “Official” GMSAA Reunion, let me suggest October 2025. Let’s honor those cadets from earlier years before they can no longer travel to Lewisburg in the fall. Let’s do this right with dignity and integrity and have this Final Reunion a monumental shindig while as many of us are able to attend.

Last year Lee Martin said it best with the following quote: “T’was Longfellow who said… ‘Great is the art of beginning, but greater is the art of ending.’ ”

The above are my thoughts as President of the Association. It is my belief the board needs to move towards the closure of GMSAA sooner rather than later. I look forward to any and all comments and suggestions you may have.

With all Respect,

Mike Ruth ‘69


2024 GMSAA Reunion: The Thought Process Behind the New Schedule


From the Reunion Committee: After the new year the board organized a Reunion Committee to research what were the best options going forward. The Board members making up this committee were: Michael Crews (Association VP), Denton Staley (Association Sec), Steve Downer and Bear Baker.

On April 8, after discussion of their recommendations, it was unanimously agreed that the schedule now on the website be adopted for this upcoming 2024 GMSAA Reunion. If you have done so, please refer to the Reunion Schedule.

The rationale for the new reunion schedule is as follows. Concern was expressed at the elimination of the Saturday evening activities. Financial reports have shown that Saturday events have been our major expense in the past and is where we have the best opportunity to reduce costs. This proposal eliminates the need for the Student Center and another catered dinner. This also saves us the cost of hiring a group of musicians from outside the area, a cost that burdens the association’s members.

Attendance records show that the numbers have been declining at the Saturday Night Dinner Dance activity as expenses climb. It became obvious that this was the best place to cut expenses and still offer dancing at the Sharp center. To continue the Saturday evening activities and not dip into operating funds would require an increase in prices. This increase possibly could further lower the numbers willing to participate.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

The GMSAA Board

GMSAA Board Update


Memorial Day, May 27, 2024
Greetings from Eden Prairie, Minnesota.

The board would like to give you a brief update of what has been going on since the October 2023 Reunion. We have met a few times via zoom to discuss various matters GMSAA will need to address in upcoming years.

What’s most likely on your mind is the reunion schedule, without further adieu here it is.

After the new year the board organized a Reunion Committee to research what are the best options going forward. The Board members making up this committee are: Michael Crews (Association VP), Denton Staley (Association Sec), Steve Downer and Bear Baker. On April 8, after discussion of their recommendations, it was unanimously agreed that the following schedule be adopted for this upcoming 2024 GMSAA Reunion.

1) Reunion Schedule

Schedule for Oct 2024 GMSAA Reunion
All Events at the Sharp Alumni Center unless noted otherwise.

Thursday, Oct 17, 
Registration 4-7 pm

Friday, Oct 18
Registration 9 am-7 pm

Golf @ Lewisburg CC: 9am-3pm

Flag Raising Ceremony: 9:30 a.m.

GMSAA Board Meeting 10am-12n

Retreat Formation, Front Court 3:30 
   Retreat Rehearsal: 3:30 pm
   Retreat: 5 pm
   Group Photo inside the Quad immediately after Retreat Formation

Catered Dinner Buffet 6 pm Sharp Center

Dance/Sock Hop 7:30-10 pm

Saturday Oct 19
Pre Meeting Beverages Coffee and Pastries 9:30
General Meeting: 10am-12n

12 noon: Dismiss the Corp, Free time.

The rest of the day open to do what ever you wish. Denton has been in contact with various restaurants around town to inquire about available private gatherings. Restaurant contacts coming soon.

Sunday, Oct 20 
Church at Old Stone Presbyterian: 11 am
NOTE: Registration window will be open as soon as final costs are determined.

Also, the DJ Denton has contacted will provide a website where you will be able to request songs of your era. That will be available soon.

From the Reunion Committee: The rationale for the new reunion schedule is as follows. Concern was expressed at the elimination of the Saturday evening activities. The financial reports have shown that Saturday events have been our major expense in the past and this is where we have the best opportunity to reduce costs. It was noted that Bobby Nichols, who we have used extensively over the past years, is spending more time in London with his son and is harder to get in contact with him. This proposal also eliminates the need for the Student Center and another catered dinner.

Attendance records show that the numbers have been declining at the Saturday Night Dinner Dance activity with expenses climbing. It became obvious that this was the best place to cut expenses and still offer dancing at the Sharp center. To continue the Saturday evening activities and not dip into operating funds would require an increase in prices. This increase possibly could further lower the numbers willing to participate.

Bill Stinnette recommended that the buffet be a little nicer with a second meat option and something for a vegan option. The DJ has agreed to furnish an email address where music requests can be sent and he will arrange to play that list plus the best dance tunes from your day.

2) GMSAA Awards. In the past GMSAA has bestowed awards to individuals who have met certain criteria that would merit him to receive special recognition. The Board would like to reinstate some of those awards. More information will be coming soon.

3) Inventory of the GMSAA Archives. Denton, Michael Crews and Steve Downer have been working in Lewisburg going through the items in the archives to meet the legal requirement that all items in our care are inventoried for the eventual dissolution of GMSAA.

4) Members of the Board have represented GMSAA at various functions at WVSOM and at the two Greenbrier County High Schools. They have also met with WVSOM IT personnel to review security and received assurance the website will be maintained by WVSOM in the event of various scenarios that have been brought up by members of the association. Plus, Jim Dodway and Jackson Tully have also proudly represented GMSAA at various activities.

5) Michael Crews, Denton Staley and Steve Downer have been doing extraordinary duty for you, the members.

Respectfully, on behalf of the Board,
Mike Ruth

Most Recent Cadet Obituaries

Philip "Flip" Dunn Von Blond


Born January 13, 1947 in South Charleston, WV.

Died at home in Columbus, OH on January 4, 2025 after a 27-year battle with cancer. Flip took his final life journey surrounded by family, friends and neighbors nearby and with the love, prayers and support of family and friends afar.

Flip leaves his loving wife, Ann Farrell Hughes, daughters Elizabeth Von Blond and Sarah Farrell Hughes, son George Hughes, grandsons Hayden Von Blond and Fisher McClain, sister Candice Von Blond Jones and her family. He was pre-deceased by his father Captain Philip Arthur Von Blond, mother Nancy Von Blond, brother Rick Von Blond, son Philip Dunn Von Blond, Jr. and former wife Betsy Von Blond. He also leaves his family of cousins who are full of stories and laughter about growing up with Flip in Lewisburg, WV.

As a child, Flip lived in Japan and other places where his Father was stationed on active duty with the Army Air Corps. He often returned with his beloved Mother and family to the home of his grandparents, Dr. Raymond Hanger and Janet Dunn, in Lewisburg, WV. Flip lived in Lewisburg with his Grandparents for most of his teenage years where he graduated from Greenbrier Military School. He served in the Army Reserves and graduated from the University of Charleston in WV. He settled in Charleston, WV as an adult where he worked in insurance and held leadership positions as the President of the Charleston Rotary Club and President of the West Virginia Independent Agents. He enjoyed great friendships playing golf and competitive squash in Charleston, Columbus and around the country. He moved to Columbus, OH and worked with what would become AssuredPartners until his retirement in 2015. He loved to travel both nationally and internationally and traveled for 24 years to his home away from home at Sunset Beach, NC.

Flip will always be remembered for his steadfast love for family and friends, his infectious laughter, the joy with which he lived his life and his great (and ornery!) sense of humor. Flip will be sorely missed.

We are grateful to Dr. Tom Sweeney for his knowledgeable and respectful partnership with Flip in managing his care over the years. We are also grateful to Luminary Hospice for their advice and care. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to Pelotonia.org, a non-profit that raises money to fund innovative cancer research, and to Luminary Hospice of Ohio, 2400 Corporate Exchange Dr., Suite 110, Columbus, OH 43231.

There will be a Celebration of Life for Flip on Sunday, January 12, 2025 from 2:00-5:00 at Heritage Golf Club, 3525 Heritage Club Dr., Hilliard Ohio 43026. There will also be a burial and Celebration of Life in Lewisburg, WV in April 2025. Details will be announced at a later date.

Dr. William L. Pralley


Dr. William L. Pralley DDS, 91, of Parkersburg, passed away Dec. 4, 2024, at his residence.

He was born May 14, 1933, in Fairmont, WV, the son of the late Nicholas Pralley and Juanita Snow Pralley Cavalier.

He was a graduate of the Greenbrier Military Academy and upon graduating received appointments from Senator Jennings Randolph to the U. S. Military Academy at West Point and the U.S. Naval Academy at Annapolis. After consideration Bill decided not to follow a Military Career. He enrolled at West Virginia University where during his time there met his wife of 65 years, Jane. He continued his education and graduated from the Maryland School of Dentistry. He then served two years in the U.S. Army being stationed at Ft. Sill in Laughton, OK. After his discharge he opened his Dental Practice on Market Street in Parkersburg and served the community for many years before his retirement. He was an avid West Virginia University Mountaineer and New York Yankee fan. He was a longtime member of the Camden Avenue Church of Christ.

He is survived by his sons, Steve Pralley (Vickie) of Oak Hill, WV. and Tom Pralley of Parkersburg. His grandchildren, Tyler Pralley (Adrianna) of Hurricane, WV. and Alese Photiades Pralley of Orlando, FL.

In addition to his parents he was preceded in death by his wife Jane R. Pralley; His son, Scott Daniel Pralley and his step father, Anthony Cavalier.

Funeral services will be Monday at 1 p.m. at the Leavitt Funeral Home in Parkersburg with Evangelist Andy Robison officiating. Entombment will follow in the Sunset Memory Gardens Chapel of Peace.

Visitation will be Sunday from 6-8 p.m. and Monday from 12 p.m. until service time at 1 p.m.

In lieu of flowers the family request that friends plant a Knock Out rose bush or make a donation to a local Humane Society in Bill’s name.

Morris Bennett Williams


Morris Bennett Williams of Fleming Island, Florida, quietly passed away in his home surrounded by his loving family on July 20, 2024. He was 86 years old. Morris was a beloved husband, father, and cherished member of the community. He was born March 10, 1938, and was raised in Lewisburg, West Virginia.

He was the only son of Morris Bias Williams and Mary Beth Williams and was affectionately known as “Benny” during his years at the prestigious Greenbrier Military Academy, he excelled in sports and graduated in 1956. Only one of two selected from his home state, he was appointed to the United States Naval Academy, proudly graduating as part of the Class of 1960.

In 1962, while stationed in Long Beach, California, Morris met and married Sharon Arlene Biggam, the love of his life. For over 20 years, Morris owned and operated Bradford Furniture Industries in Starke, Florida, where he was known for his unwavering work ethic and integrity. Morris and Sharon enjoyed a devoted partnership that lasted until his passing. He is survived by Sharon his loving wife of 62 years, and their three sons, Tom, Chuck, and Grant, their wives, daughter Brooke, eight grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.

His legacy of kindness and dedication to his family will be remembered dearly by all who knew him. He will be deeply missed by his family and friends. A small, private service will be held in August to honor his memory. The family extends their heartfelt gratitude for all the love and support during this time.

John Richard Todd


John Richard Todd died on Sunday, July 7,2024.

He is survived by his wife of over 60 years, Susan Todd. His son Nick Todd and his wife Monica Todd and grandchildren Cole and Maci Todd. He also has special sons surviving, Mike Ferguson and Lester Abrahams and their families. His sister Ann Jones and several nieces and nephews.

He is preceded in death by his parents Lee and Daisy Todd, a son Lee Todd and sister Jane Young.

John graduated from Greenbrier Military School and Lynchburg College where he received his degree in Medical Technology.

John was a member of Saint John’s Episcopal Church in Wytheville and the Wytheville Lions Club where he received the Melvin Jones Award. He was also a proud member of VFW and was a Boy Scout leader for 59 years.

John served in Vietnam with the United States Air Force.

John Todd was a pillar of his community and a father figure to multiple individuals. He was a devoted husband and father and will be missed by many.

Visitation will be held from 1-3pm on July 27th at the Grubb Funeral Home Chapel. A funeral will be held immediately following visitation at the funeral home. At the close of the funeral a reception will be held in the parlor of Saint John’s Episcopal Church. Expressions of sympathy may be sent to the family at www.grubbfuneralhome.com
Grubb Funeral Home is in charge of the arrangements.

Moffette David Sensabaugh, Jr.


Moffette David "Sonny" Sensabaugh Jr.

January 30, 1938 - July 5, 2024

Moffette David "Sonny" Sensabaugh Jr. was born on January 30, 1938. He died in his home with his loving wife and her daughters on the evening of Friday, July 5, 2024, at 86 years of age.

He was preceded in death by his father, Moffette David "Pete" Sensabaugh Sr.; his mother, Virginia Elizabeth "Jennie" Agnor; brother-in-law, Jim Sherrill; son-in-law, Robert Turpin; and his dogs, Little Bit and Marco.

Born in Lexington, Virginia, he demonstrated a strong work ethic even as a young boy. He held a paper route and worked with his cousins on the Carter Farm. As a teen he worked often for his father who owned Pete's Taxi & Bus Service. His father, Pete, influenced his values and ethics, and Sonny emulated those standards that he so admired throughout his adulthood.

Sonny was a 1956 graduate of Greenbrier Military School (GMS) in Lewisburg, W.Va. For both years at GMS, he made the Owls Club which was the honor military and academic organization. He was Editor-in-Chief of the GMS newspaper during his senior year. He was also a member of the Quill and Scroll, Greenbrier's Chapter of the International Honor Society for High School Journalists.

Sonny was proud of his military service, calling it an honor and privilege to serve. He jumped out of perfectly good planes; he would say ironically and with pride when he talked of his time as a paratrooper with the 82nd Airborne 325 Division. He served a term as Chairman of the Roanoke Valley All Airborne Chapter of the 82nd Airborne Division Association and was proud to be part of the initiative to recognize National Airborne Day in the Commonwealth of Virginia.

As a young man, Sonny was interested in pursuing a law degree and was a student at W&L from 1956-1958. Thinking it would be a temporary job before returning to college, Sonny began working as a Timekeeper in 1961 at Adams Construction Company, one of the oldest asphalt paving firms in Virginia. He worked the gamut of positions from Equipment Operator to Vice President and retired after 52 years. His father, Pete, his daughter, Desi and her husband, Kirk, worked with him at Adams. He often said he enjoyed what he did, or he wouldn't have done it for so long.

His work in asphalt paved the way for his marriage to Faye in 1997 after meeting her at a work event. Sonny and Faye were married for 27 years at the time of his death. Pictured are the two of them on the night they met, surprisingly color-coordinated with each other and clearly destined to be together.

Sonny was a long-time member of Mountain City Lodge No. 67, having completed over 50 years of Membership in the Masonic Fraternity. He was also a member of the Grand Chapter Royal Arch Masons in Virginia, Scottish Rite of Freemasonry and Moomaw Commandery No. 27 Knights Templar.

His hobbies included target shooting, preferably with grandchildren Gage or David, playing volleyball, roller skating, and driving so fast that no one wanted to passenger with him a second time – although he was an extremely skilled driver. He was an avid reader, and his librarian daughter, Elizabeth, happily kept him supplied with books.

Sonny possessed great humor, wit, and sarcasm. If you knew him, you knew when he was joking or when you were in trouble. He regularly wore cowboy boots, large belt buckles, and either a cowboy or baseball hat. He exuded class, charisma and charm.

He had an unyielding sweet tooth and an affinity for any pies or cakes baked by 'Jane Jane', his mother-in-law. He appreciated a good stereo system with ample volume to share tunes by Elvis Presley, Roy Orbison, Meatloaf, and many others. He once won a dance contest with his daughter, Marisa. He loved music, and the sound system was the only thing to wear out on his cherished Marauder.

He is survived by his wife, Faye Bowles Sensabaugh; daughters, Virginia "Desi" Rumburg (Kirk), Marisa Turpin, and Elizabeth Sensabaugh; stepdaughters, Kristy Groff and Kim Greer (Jay); grandchildren, David Turpin, Gage Hubbard, Josh Taylor (Lindsay), Lindsey Hudson, Cassie Wood (Stephen); great-grandchildren, JJ Manning, Dylan Lee and Lottie Wood; sisters, Roberta Sherrill and Sue Quirouette (Ed); brother, Charlie Sensabaugh and wife, Alexis; mother-in-law, Janie Bowles; brother-in-law, Keith Bowles; and many nieces and nephews. He is also survived by Hank, the most recent dog rescue, who stayed on guard from beneath Sonny's hospital bed at home.

Carilion Clinic Hospice provided quality and compassionate care during the last weeks of his life. His caregivers, Jordan, Caroline and Jasmine were not only a comfort to Sonny but also to Faye.

'Hank the Tank,' as Caroline called him, was always happy to see them, knowing he would get lots of belly rubs. A very special thanks to Josh and Lindsay for taking such good care of Hank while Faye stayed with Sonny in hospital and to Charlie, Alexis and Gage for helping to care for Sonny after he came home.

Sonny's absence is devastating despite his reassurance that he was ready to go. His sound advice, unflagging logic and loving encouragement are just a few of his many memorable graces. We thought him invincible, and still believe that to be true. He was greatly loved and will be forever deeply missed.

A memorial service will be held later. If you wish to honor Sonny's memory, please consider a donation to the Roanoke Valley SPCA or to the Franklin County Humane Society. Condolences may be shared with the family by visiting www.Oakeys.com.

Oakey's Funeral Service, East Chapel

Roanoke, VA (540) 977-3909